Burial of John Franklin. Author: me


Kabloonas is the way in which the Inuit who live in the north part of Canada call those who haven´t their same ascendency.

The first time i read this word was in the book "Fatal Passage" by Ken McGoogan, when, as the result of the conversations between John Rae and some inuit, and trying to find any evidence of the ill-fated Sir John Franklin Expedition, some of then mentioned that they watched how some kabloonas walked to die in the proximities of the river Great Fish.

I wish to publish this blog to order and share all those anecdotes that I´ve been finding in the arctic literature about arctic expeditions. My interest began more than 15 years ago reading a little book of my brother about north and south pole expeditions. I began reading almost all the bibliography about Antarctic expeditions and the superknown expeditions of Scott, Amundsen, Shackleton, etc. After I was captured by the Nansen, Nobile and Engineer Andree. But the most disturbing thing in that little book, full of pictures, was the two pages dedicated to the last Franklin expedition of the S.XIX, on that moment I thought that given the time on which this and others expeditions happened, few or any additional information could be obtained about it. I couldn´t imagine that after those two pages It would be a huge iceberg full of stories, unresolved misteries, anecdotes, etc. I believe that this iceberg, on the contrary than others, would continue growing instead melting.

domingo, 3 de junio de 2012


Si, suena un poco raro, pero en fin, no os lo tomeis muy en serio.

¿Como podemos encontrar a John Franklin?, pues es muy simple, existe, aunque parezca mentira, un juego que permite dar con los principales restos de la expedición de Franklin escondidos en la nieve. La verdad es que nunca me habría imaginado que a nadie le diera por hacer algo semejante, pero aqui está:

Juego "Encuentra a Franklin"

Tanto tiempo buscando a John y mira..., aqui está. Disfrutadlo.

La página web tiene su gracia, echadle un vistazo: http://www.athropolis.com/index.htm

Yes, it sounds a little bit strange, but don´t take it very seriously.

How can we find John Franklin? Well, It is very simple, it exists, although it seems unlikely, a game which allows you to find the main relics of the Franklin Expedition hiden in the snow. I´d never really have imagined that anybody could think in such thing, but here you have it:

Game "Find Franklin"

So many time looking for John and look..., here it is. Enjoy it.

The web page is really funny, take a look inside: http://www.athropolis.com/index.htm

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